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So with the google plus I just finished setting up the social media accounts and let me tell ya...

I have no idea how all of those social media gurus do it. They run like ten accounts effortlessly while I can barely keep up a blog without two alarms on my phone, a cup of highly caffeinated tea, and a promise to get ice cream afterwards.

I plan to update the social media accounts every few days, which is a big jump from my plan to update this blog at least once a week. It will require commitment, but I think, with how excited this camp always gets me, I'll definitely be able to do it.

I plan to talk about fundraisers, plans for the camp, scheduled trainings and other necessary information on all three platforms. Specifically on the tweeter (Twitter), I plan to hold one or two Q&A sessions,while specifically on Facebook, I plan to sell some memorabilia in order to fund-raise for the camp.

If anyone wants to contact me, the best way is still through the website. Like I said, I can barely keep up a blog so I'm definitely not going to give a fast reply through social media. It should be a last resort.

If you're a natural social media guru, I encourage you to to comment with some tips on how to keep up with it. I mean, I obviously can't drop my life and just stay on the computer all the time, but I do know there's some handy features that can make posting regularly much easier.

I'd really appreciate if some people took a look at the social media accounts and gave some feedback. The Facebook is here, the Twitter is here, and the Google Plus is here. Have at it!

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