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Get up and INDIEGOGO!

On this wet and rainy late spring day of the year 2017, a bolt of lightning struck Bam! Flash! and suddenly, it was aliiiive!!!!

The IndieGoGo page is up and ready for donations!

I've put up my life story as well as some nice pictures and the first promotional video. Donors of $5 or more will receive gifts so make sure to contribute and claim your reward.

The rewards are as following.

A lot of the campaigns I saw on there had a "thank you video" option like this but it wasn't personalized. For my thank you's, I wanted to make sure each and every person knew they were appreciated.

I knew about $25 would probably be the most common donation so I wanted to make it so that people got something nice without giving people something that completely spent the entire $25 that they donated. I figured there's more sentimental value in something like this.

It may be because I'm still quite young but $50 is a lot to give to a cause if you're operating on a normal middle-class income and still paying normal middle-class bills. I wanted to make sure these people felt special, like they did something worthwhile and had something to show for it.

These people have to know they're appreciated. They're like angels sent from heaven. I don't exactly know what an angel would wear in heaven, but I do know that these angels are going to be decked out in some really cool shirts.

There's one reward left, and while it's unlikely anyone will donate that much, the reward is still there, just in case. ;)

And There You have it. I'll periodically post previews of the rewards so make sure you stick around.

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